Does United Way provide direct service or have programs of its own?

We do not provide direct services to clients through our office. We are happy to help connect you with our local partner agencies to address needs.

Why should I give to United Way of Eastern Frontier Country?

Giving to the united way is the easiest and most efficient way to make your donation work for our entire community. With one donation to the United Way, you support victims of domestic violence, disaster relief, youth mentorship and hunger in our community.

Is my donation tax-deductible?


How does United Way use my donation?

United Way of Eastern Frontier Country funds 21 local organizations. Each organization is working to impact a need in our community in one of our focus areas- health, income & education.

Can I designate my donation?

Yes! You have the opportunity to designate your donation to a specific partner agency. When making your donation you may indicate which of our 21 agencies you would like to support. Donations not specified will be directed into the community action fund.

How do I get a tax receipt for my donation?

Tax Receipts for donations of $250 and greater will be mailed out (postmarked) by January 31 for the subsequent year. Donors requiring a tax receipt for donations made in prior calendar years or for donations under $250 should make the request by Contacting Us.

Who decides how my donation is spent?

A local committee comprised of United Way board and community members is assembled every year to review agency applications and allocate funds. Local organizations must apply to receive grants from the United Way every year, for more information please visit our funded partner page. In addition, our operating budget is audited by an independent accounting firm and carefully reviewed by volunteers who serve on the United Way Board of Directors.

If I donate through my employer outside of Eastern Frontier Country, how do I make sure my gift is used here?

We understand and appreciate the desire to give where you live. All you have to do is use the designation code 7100 to ensure your donation is forwarded to your community. If your employer matches contributions, make sure to ask them to send all of your donations to United Way of Eastern Frontier Country.

What cities does your United Way serve?
  • Pottawatomie County
    • Shawnee
    • Bethel Acres
    • Wanette
    • Tribbey
    • Tecumseh
    • Saint Louis
    • Macomb
    • McLoud
    • Dale
    • Earlsboro
    • Asher
  • Seminole County
    • Seminole
    • Bowlegs
    • Cromwell
    • Maud
    • Wewoka
    • Lima
    • New Lima
  • Hughes County
    • Holdenville
    • Horntown
    • Spaulding
    • Yeager
    • Wetumka
  • Lincoln County
    • Davenport
    • Meeker
    • Prague
  • McClain County
    • Byars
    • Rosedale
  • Okfuskee County
    • Paden
How do I find which United Way serves my city?
What is the United Way role in Community Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery?

We help connect and communicate with nonprofits, corporations and government organizations to coordinate disaster response. We function as a home base in times of crisis assisting both relief and individuals.

How do I know that service providers supported by United Way will use the funds responsibly?

Our allocation committee makes investment decisions based on an organization’s fiscal responsibility, sound management, and the measurable results of specific programs.